Course Title: Python Programming

Course Overview: This course is designed to introduce students to the Python programming language, covering fundamental concepts, data structures, algorithms, and applications. Students will learn about Python syntax, data types, control structures, functions, modules, and libraries, as well as practical programming techniques for solving real-world problems.

Course Duration: 12 weeks (3 hours per week)

Module 1: Introduction to Python

  • History and overview of the Python programming language
  • Installing and setting up Python environment (Python interpreter, IDEs)
  • Writing and running simple Python programs
  • Basic syntax and structure of Python programs
  • Understanding Python’s philosophy (Zen of Python)

Module 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators

  • Introduction to variables and data types (integers, floats, strings, booleans)
  • Basic arithmetic and logical operators
  • Working with strings (string methods, string formatting)
  • Type conversion and type casting
  • Variable naming conventions and best practices

Module 3: Control Flow and Decision Making

  • Conditional statements (if-else, elif)
  • Nested conditional statements
  • Loops (while loop, for loop)
  • Loop control statements (break, continue)
  • Using the ternary operator for concise conditional expressions

Module 4: Data Structures

  • Lists and list operations (slicing, appending, concatenating)
  • Tuples and tuple operations
  • Sets and set operations
  • Dictionaries and dictionary operations
  • Understanding mutable and immutable data types

Module 5: Functions and Modules

  • Defining and calling functions
  • Function arguments (positional arguments, keyword arguments, default arguments)
  • Returning values from functions
  • Scope of variables (global vs. local variables)
  • Introduction to modules and importing modules

Module 6: File Handling

  • Opening and closing files in Python
  • Reading from and writing to text files
  • File modes (read, write, append)
  • Handling file exceptions (try-except blocks)
  • Working with CSV files and other file formats

Module 7: Exception Handling

  • Understanding exceptions and error handling in Python
  • Handling exceptions using try-except blocks
  • Handling specific exceptions and multiple exceptions
  • Using else and finally blocks with try-except
  • Raising custom exceptions

Module 8: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Introduction to object-oriented programming concepts
  • Classes and objects in Python
  • Defining attributes and methods in classes
  • Constructor and destructor methods
  • Inheritance and method overriding

Module 9: Advanced OOP Concepts

  • Class inheritance and method overriding
  • Method resolution order (MRO) in Python
  • Class and static methods
  • Encapsulation and data hiding
  • Polymorphism and duck typing

Module 10: Working with Files and Directories

  • File system operations using the os module
  • Directory manipulation (creating, listing, deleting directories)
  • File path manipulation (joining, splitting paths)
  • File and directory permissions
  • Working with binary files and handling file metadata

Module 11: Regular Expressions

  • Introduction to regular expressions (regex)
  • Using regex for pattern matching and search
  • Regex methods and functions in Python (search, match, findall)
  • Character classes, quantifiers, and groupings
  • Practical examples of regex usage

Module 12: Introduction to Data Science and Data Analysis with Python

  • Introduction to data science and data analysis
  • Overview of Python libraries for data science (NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib)
  • Working with arrays and matrices using NumPy
  • Data manipulation and analysis with pandas
  • Data visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn

Module 13: Introduction to Web Scraping and Web Development with Python

  • Introduction to web scraping and its applications
  • Overview of Python libraries for web scraping (Beautiful Soup, requests, Scrapy)
  • Extracting data from websites using web scraping techniques
  • Introduction to web development with Python (Django, Flask)
  • Building simple web applications using Django or Flask

Module 14: Introduction to GUI Programming with Python

  • Introduction to GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming
  • Overview of Python GUI libraries (Tkinter, PyQt, wxPython)
  • Building graphical user interfaces using Tkinter
  • Handling events and user interactions in GUI applications
  • Packaging GUI applications for distribution

Module 15: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Overview of common data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs)
  • Overview of common algorithms (sorting, searching, traversal, recursion)
  • Implementing data structures and algorithms in Python
  • Analyzing the time complexity and space complexity of algorithms
  • Practical examples and applications of data structures and algorithms

Module 16: Capstone Project

  • Students will work on a capstone project to apply the skills learned throughout the course
  • Project topics may include building a console-based application, a data analysis project, a web scraping project, or any other Python-based project


  • Assignments and projects after each module
  • Mid-term and final exams covering the entire syllabus
  • Evaluation of the capstone project