Course Duration: 12 weeks (3 hours per week)

Module 1: Introduction to Android Development

  • Introduction to the Android platform and its ecosystem
  • Overview of Android architecture (Android SDK, JVM, DVM, ART)
  • Setting up Android development environment (Android Studio, SDK Manager)
  • Creating and running a simple “Hello World” Android app

Module 2: User Interface Design

  • Introduction to Android UI components (Views, Layouts, Widgets)
  • Designing user interfaces using XML layouts
  • Handling user input events (onClick, onLongClick, etc.)
  • Introduction to Material Design principles and guidelines

Module 3: Activities and Intents

  • Understanding activities and their lifecycle
  • Creating multiple activities and navigating between them
  • Passing data between activities using Intents
  • Handling activity callbacks (onCreate, onStart, onResume, etc.)

Module 4: Fragments and Fragment Management

  • Introduction to fragments and their lifecycle
  • Creating and managing fragments within activities
  • Communicating between fragments using interfaces
  • Fragment transactions and backstack management

Module 5: RecyclerView and ListView

  • Introduction to RecyclerView and ListView
  • Displaying large datasets efficiently using RecyclerView
  • Implementing custom adapters and view holders
  • Handling item click events in RecyclerView and ListView

Module 6: Data Storage

  • Overview of Android data storage options (Shared Preferences, Internal Storage, External Storage, SQLite Database)
  • Storing and retrieving data using SharedPreferences
  • Working with files and directories in Internal and External Storage
  • Performing database operations using SQLite Database

Module 7: Networking and Web Services

  • Making HTTP requests using HttpURLConnection and Volley library
  • Parsing JSON and XML responses using Gson and XmlPullParser
  • Consuming RESTful APIs and handling network callbacks
  • Implementing background tasks and asynchronous processing

Module 8: Working with Multimedia

  • Working with images, audio, and video in Android apps
  • Displaying images using ImageView and Picasso library
  • Playing audio and video files using MediaPlayer
  • Capturing photos and videos using Camera API and CameraX

Module 9: Location-Based Services

  • Integrating location services using LocationManager and FusedLocationProviderClient
  • Requesting user permissions for accessing device location
  • Displaying current location on Google Maps
  • Implementing geocoding and reverse geocoding

Module 10: Sensors and Gestures

  • Working with device sensors (Accelerometer, Gyroscope, GPS)
  • Detecting gestures using GestureDetector and onTouchEvent
  • Implementing shake detection and motion sensing
  • Integrating sensor data into your app for various functionalities

Module 11: Background Processing and Services

  • Introduction to background processing and services
  • Creating and managing background services
  • Implementing foreground services and notifications
  • Scheduling tasks using AlarmManager and WorkManager

Module 12: Publishing and Monetization

  • Preparing your app for deployment to the Google Play Store
  • Generating signed APKs and app bundles
  • Understanding app signing and distribution
  • Overview of app monetization options (advertising, in-app purchases, subscriptions)


  • Assignments and projects after each module
  • Mid-term and final exams covering the entire syllabus
  • Evaluation of a final project, which could be an original Android application developed by the students